Sunday, April 27, 2014

 A great start with Habitat.  Thanks to all who participated, to those who wanted to, to those who prayed and to our Hospitality team who fed us and cared for us during the day. Blessings

The next date for Habitat in Sheraton Hollow is May 24th 9AM - 4PM Please sign up in Church.

Saturday, April 12, 2014

Habitat for Humanity at Sheraton Hollow

April 26 9-4:30am
Breakfast together at the Cathedral 8:15AM

  I believe we have our Habitat for Humanity team.  The Lord provided 7 more people today.  That makes 20.  Isn't God awesome.

   We still need some people to help with hospitality, food prep for mission, prayer table?

    Two weeks from today!

Sunday, April 6, 2014

Saturday, April 26, 2014 

Habitat for Humanity Build/ All Saints Cathedral Supporters

      Please see the brochure below for instructions when assisting Habitat.  We will meet at the Cathedral  8:00- 8:15AM  for breakfast before we go to the Sheraton Hollow site.   Thank you for your willingness to help.  Call Deacon Sue if you have any questions 813-5417.  Thank you