Saturday, January 25, 2014

St. Francis Mission Meal Saturday, January 25, 2014

An over whelming response to the call for warm clothes, mittens, scarves and hats today.  All of the these items were available to the community of West Hill.   Along with the outer wear came dozens of volunteers to help serve a very nutritious meal, with salad fruit, chili and bread.  Thanks goes out to Susan, Eric, Kathy, Louis, Pam, George, Fr. Hunter, Deacon Scott and his crew from St. Georges.  We served over 100 meals and also 100 peanut butter and jelly sandwiches.  A prayer table staff braved the 19 degree weather and handed out hats and gloves along with prayers.

Saturday, January 11, 2014

Outreach to the Community in Albany

 Winter Wear needed at St Francis Mission.

The people of the community of St. Francis are in need of warm clothes.  Please bring clean coats (all sizes), hats, gloves, mittens, scarves boots, and socks to the Cathedral of All Saints for our next visit.
We also have a request for MP3 player and  a durable and super warm sleeping bag.

Along with helping serve the meals at the Mission of St. Francis, we also as a community provide donated clothing, non perishable food, books and some toys for the people.  Please bring donations to the Cathedral of All Saints on Sat or Sunday 9AM to 12PM or to St. Francis on Saturdays between 10 and 11AM.
Our next volunteer work:

St. Francis Mission, 498 Clinton Ave., Albany
January 25, 2013  10 AM - 1PM
Prepare and Serve a meal to the community
Sign up at the Cathedral or email Deacon Sue before the 18th of January.