Monday, February 17, 2014

Update: All Saint's Cathedral is assisting with the noon meal at St. Francis mission this Saturday. Feb 22. Please contact  Dcn. Sue if you will be helping. Thank you

Also >>>>>>>>>It's Finally here:

Building Excitement in Sheridan Hollow!

From the Capital District Habitat for Humanity Website:
Full steam ahead at Sheridan Hollow!
Our ‘regulars’ are volunteering on site today installing sill plates.  Soon we will be going vertical, raising walls and constructing decking.  Stay tuned for more updates, and check our website for upcoming volunteer dates!

All Saint's Cathedral is signed up to help  April 26, 2014  Please make plans to join the group and help build in Sheraton Hollow this Eastertide.

Wednesday, February 5, 2014

Enjoying a 30 degree day this past Saturday at Francis Mission Prayer Table

Prayer Table at the Mission

Saturday, Jan. 25, 2014

Prayer table staff  handing out Gloves and Scarves at the Prayer table  at St. Francis Mission.

Along with Prayers, mittens and hats to keep us warm.