Saturday, September 6, 2014

Sunny Days for St. Francis Mission


 August 28, 2014

 West Hill Outreach Cookout

The Cathedral congregation hosted a neighborhood cookout at St. Francis’ Mission in West Hill, on August 28, 2014.  About 70 people, including many children from the neighborhood, joined us for hot dogs and snacks.  This cookout, organized and sponsored by the Cathedral Outreach department, is the first of three major outreach events leading up to the launch of an after-school program in July 2015.  

St. Francis Mission, formerly known as Grace and Holy Innocents Episcopal Church, will be familiar to many members of the Cathedral.  The church building is located on the corner of Clinton Avenue and Robin Street in the heart of the West Hill neighborhood.  Though no longer an active Episcopal congregation, St. Francis Mission still hosts a number of ministries, including serving a free lunch on Saturdays.    Volunteers from our congregation regularly assist at this feeding program on the fourth Saturday of each month.  

As the Cathedral has discerned a call to serve the neighborhoods of Arbor Hill and West Hill, Father Paul Hunter and the Outreach team have begun looking for ways to make connections in these neighborhoods.  This event gave members of the Cathedral the chance to get out and meet their neighbors in West Hill.  

The parking lot at St. Francis proved to be an ideal location for an informal neighborhood gathering.  As soon as the grill started going at 3 o’clock, and music started playing on a speaker, people in the neighborhood took notice and joined us.  As well as food, we had activities for kids including giant bubbles and face painting (see pictures).  Deacon Sue Plaske set up a prayer table, that ended up being quite busy. When we wrapped up at 5, we had served 120 hot dogs to about 70 people.

We got to know some new friends, invited folks to the Cathedral, and got to hear about the needs of the neighborhood.  We shared our plan to start up an after school program next July, and gave people the chance to share what services would be helpful to families and children in West Hill.  We collected contact information and some information about families, and also told visitors about our next planned events in West Hill.  

This was the first of three planned outreach events, building up to the launch of an after school program in July of 2015.  Our next event will be a one day VBS on Columbus Day, October 13th, at St. Francis.  We will also have a weeklong VBS in February of 2015 over President’s Day vacation.  National holidays and school breaks are often difficult times for families in need of child care, and by holding events during these times the Cathedral can provide a very concrete service.  These events also provide opportunities to build relationships in the neighborhood and learn how we can best be of service.  

If you would like to volunteer at one of the upcoming outreach events, please speak to Father Paul Hunter.  

The Rev. Canon Paul Hunter 
Canon for Mission, 
The Cathedral of All Saints in the City 
and Diocese of Albany.  

Tuesday, June 10, 2014

Sunday, April 27, 2014

 A great start with Habitat.  Thanks to all who participated, to those who wanted to, to those who prayed and to our Hospitality team who fed us and cared for us during the day. Blessings

The next date for Habitat in Sheraton Hollow is May 24th 9AM - 4PM Please sign up in Church.

Saturday, April 12, 2014

Habitat for Humanity at Sheraton Hollow

April 26 9-4:30am
Breakfast together at the Cathedral 8:15AM

  I believe we have our Habitat for Humanity team.  The Lord provided 7 more people today.  That makes 20.  Isn't God awesome.

   We still need some people to help with hospitality, food prep for mission, prayer table?

    Two weeks from today!

Sunday, April 6, 2014

Saturday, April 26, 2014 

Habitat for Humanity Build/ All Saints Cathedral Supporters

      Please see the brochure below for instructions when assisting Habitat.  We will meet at the Cathedral  8:00- 8:15AM  for breakfast before we go to the Sheraton Hollow site.   Thank you for your willingness to help.  Call Deacon Sue if you have any questions 813-5417.  Thank you

Monday, March 24, 2014

Thanks to all who helped out at St. Francis on the Hill, Saturday the 22nd.
Many were fed both physically and spiritually including the CAS team.

Thank you to Jana Lingo for helping with the  Prayer Table, best wishes and prayers go with you as you move to Tennessee.  WE WILL MISS YOU!

Next Stop - Habitat for Hunanity - Sheraton Hollow - April 26th

Please sign up at the Cathedral, near the entrance or email Deacon Sue to let me know you are volunteering by April 6th.

Monday, March 10, 2014

St. Francis on the Hill Mission Lunch Program

                                         Please share this with people, who may be interested.  
This could be a great Lenten growth opportunity, and it will be fun and inspiring.

What:  Meal service at St. Francis Mission, West Hill, Albany
When:  March 22, 2014   10-1
Where:  Robin and Clinton Ave, Albany
Who:   All hands on deck

Please email or Call Deacon Sue if you are interested or have questions.
No need to bring anything just your willing and energetic selves. See you there.

Monday, February 17, 2014

Update: All Saint's Cathedral is assisting with the noon meal at St. Francis mission this Saturday. Feb 22. Please contact  Dcn. Sue if you will be helping. Thank you

Also >>>>>>>>>It's Finally here:

Building Excitement in Sheridan Hollow!

From the Capital District Habitat for Humanity Website:
Full steam ahead at Sheridan Hollow!
Our ‘regulars’ are volunteering on site today installing sill plates.  Soon we will be going vertical, raising walls and constructing decking.  Stay tuned for more updates, and check our website for upcoming volunteer dates!

All Saint's Cathedral is signed up to help  April 26, 2014  Please make plans to join the group and help build in Sheraton Hollow this Eastertide.

Wednesday, February 5, 2014

Enjoying a 30 degree day this past Saturday at Francis Mission Prayer Table

Prayer Table at the Mission

Saturday, Jan. 25, 2014

Prayer table staff  handing out Gloves and Scarves at the Prayer table  at St. Francis Mission.

Along with Prayers, mittens and hats to keep us warm.

Saturday, January 25, 2014

St. Francis Mission Meal Saturday, January 25, 2014

An over whelming response to the call for warm clothes, mittens, scarves and hats today.  All of the these items were available to the community of West Hill.   Along with the outer wear came dozens of volunteers to help serve a very nutritious meal, with salad fruit, chili and bread.  Thanks goes out to Susan, Eric, Kathy, Louis, Pam, George, Fr. Hunter, Deacon Scott and his crew from St. Georges.  We served over 100 meals and also 100 peanut butter and jelly sandwiches.  A prayer table staff braved the 19 degree weather and handed out hats and gloves along with prayers.

Saturday, January 11, 2014

Outreach to the Community in Albany

 Winter Wear needed at St Francis Mission.

The people of the community of St. Francis are in need of warm clothes.  Please bring clean coats (all sizes), hats, gloves, mittens, scarves boots, and socks to the Cathedral of All Saints for our next visit.
We also have a request for MP3 player and  a durable and super warm sleeping bag.

Along with helping serve the meals at the Mission of St. Francis, we also as a community provide donated clothing, non perishable food, books and some toys for the people.  Please bring donations to the Cathedral of All Saints on Sat or Sunday 9AM to 12PM or to St. Francis on Saturdays between 10 and 11AM.
Our next volunteer work:

St. Francis Mission, 498 Clinton Ave., Albany
January 25, 2013  10 AM - 1PM
Prepare and Serve a meal to the community
Sign up at the Cathedral or email Deacon Sue before the 18th of January.